Meet the Curiae Virides team

Liliana Lizarazo-Rodríguez is a research professor at the Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and principal investigator of the ERC project Curiae Virides.
Liliana studied Law at the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and at the UNED (Spain). She also studied Financial Law at the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and Development Studies and Public Administration and Management at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). Liliana obtained her PhD at the Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law of the University of Ghent (Belgium).
Liliana is an expert in the areas of responsible corporate behavior, access to justice, law and sustainability, international economic law and constitutional and judicial adjudication.
You find her publications on Orcid and ResearchGate.
Liliana Lizarazo-Rodríguez
Principal Investigator

Daniel Alejo
PhD Researcher
Daniel Alejo is an interdisciplinary PhD Researcher member of the ERC Curiae Virides project since 2022. He holds a Masters in Development Studies from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and a Master’s of Science in Development and Globalization studies from the University of Antwerp.
In his PhD research, he aims to analyze the socio-legal context and role of civil society actors in environmental litigation arising from transnational ecological conflicts. His research combines different theoretical approaches, including the sociology of law, environmental sociology, and social movement studies, and uses a mixed-methods design. As part of the Curiae Virides team, he is creating a database of actors involved in transnational ecological conflicts, capturing their roles in the conflict as well as in any legal proceedings. His goal in creating the database is to identify the actors lodging complaints to courts and the ways they mobilize to do so. In his analysis, he uses social network analysis and interviews to understand the actors' motivations and interests in bringing cases of ecological degradation to courts and the forms of cooperation between actors
Other research interests include the socio-environmental impacts of the energy transition and the EU policies that promote it, as well as the struggles of food sovereignty and land rights movements, climate justice activists, human rights advocates, and more.

João Teixeira de Freitas is a PhD researcher of the Curiae Virides project, studying how transnational ecological conflicts turn into lawsuits and the role played by courts in this context.
João has a bachelor's degree in Law from the Portuguese Catholic University and a master's degree in Transnational Law from Católica Global School of Law / King's College London, where he researched the legal regulation of transnational corporate accountability for human rights abuses.
Before joining the Brussels School of Governance, João worked independently as a public affairs and communications consultant for several Brussels based projects.
His PhD research focuses on the theoretical (and empirical) foundations of value chain due diligence in transnational ecological conflicts.
João Teixeira de Freitas
PhD Researcher

Manoëlle Koninckx is a researcher in the Curiae Virides Project of the Brussels School of Governance.
She holds a Master’s degree in International Law and Legal Studies, Sustainable Development and Global Justice from the University of Antwerp.
Prior to this research position, she took part in diverse projects on justice in fragile contexts, mostly in the Great Lakes Region (Burundi, CAR, DRC) but also in the Sahel region and in Morocco. She futher worked on gender-based violence and on environmental conflicts.
Her main interests focus on: social and environmental activism, biodiversity conservation, greening of human rights, transformative justice, environment-conflict nexus and decolonisation.
Manoëlle Koninckx

Kata Dozsa
Postdoctoral researcher
Kata Dozsa is a postdoctoral researcher in the Curiae Virides project where she conducts qualitative empirical research on transnational ecological litigaton. She is also Adjunct Professor at Vesalius College. Her research focuses on intergenerational justice, children’s rights, public participation and climate change.
She holds a PhD in law (University of Antwerp, 2021); an Advanced Master of Children’s Rights (University of Fribourg and Institute of Kurt Bosch); an LL.M (Pazmany Peter Catholic University); and a Master in Journalism (University of Szeged). She held a postdoctoral status at the University of Antwerp Law and Development Research Group from 2021 to 2023. Between 2011 and 2018, she worked for the European Commission in various posts, such as press officer for Climate Action and later as policy officer for the rights of the child.
She is the author of the book “Children as Climate Citizens” (Routledge, 2023), and has numerous publications about children’s rights, the rights of future generations and climate change, including in the 2020 and 2023 editions of the European Yearbook on Human Rights. In 2022, she was awarded the Sustainability Research Award for her contribution to climate change policy-development in Belgium

Jérôme Vanwelde
Jérôme Vanwelde is a Researcher at the Centre for Environment, Economy and Energy (C3E) of the Brussels School of Governance (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), and an Associate Researcher with the Curiae Virides project.
He holds a master's degree in Economics from Université Catholique de Louvain and Université de Namur, and bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and in Economics and Management from Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, where he also worked as a Teaching Assistant in Economics.
Jérôme collaborates on various projects within the 'Ecotrilema' line of research of the C3E, including Curiae Virides. His research explores the dynamics of transnational ecological conflicts and corporate accountability from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining legal research with quantitative analysis.
Jérôme's other interests include Epistemology of Human Sciences, Analytical Philosophy and various topics of Environmental Economics.
Associate Researchers

Alice Lopes Fabris is an Associate Researcher with the Curia Virides research project. She holds a HORIZON-MSCA post-doctoral project “Mother Earth” at the Brussels School of Government, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, investigating the impact of environmental crimes and human induced disaster on cultural rights of indigenous and afro-indigenous peoples. The supervisors are L. Lizarazo Rodriguez and Doreen Montag from QMUL.
She holds a Bachelor Degree from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) and a PhD from Ecole Normale Superior Paris-Saclay (France). Her Ph.D. thesis dealt with ‘the notion of crimes against cultural heritage in international law’ (La notion de crime contre le patrimoine culturel en droit international), thesis published in 2022 by the Institut Francophone pour la Justice et Démocratie. She worked as Postdoctoral Researcher at UMR 7206 Eco-Anthropologie, at the CNRS/Musee national d'histoire naturelle investigating topics of ecocide and green criminology.
Alice’s research is focused on the international protection of cultural heritage, reparation of damage to tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and the protection of indigenous’ and local communities' cultural heritage.
Alice Lopes Fabris
Associate Researcher